Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hey I have 7 pageviews from Russia... that's unexpected... but uh cool.

Time Flies.

Oh gosh, the sophomore year is nearly over already... it's a bitter sweet moment.  I'm happy to be moving a step closer to college, but at the same time 4-5/11 teachers I've had I'll never work with or see ever again.  I really loved this year because I didn't hate any of my teachers.  It's a really great feeling to not hate a teacher, to go into every classroom and go 'Oh, cool, it's time for class.' instead of 'I f***ing hate this guy.' Makes  for a better year and better grades.  Also, this year was my first lead in a show (The Amish Project by Jessica Dickey) and I just really loved it beyond any other experience in my life.  It was magical to work with such a magical cast and with a play that seemed to touch so many people.

In short, I'm really gonna miss this year.

Friday, May 18, 2012


I got the coolest light switch plate ever!  It has a man playing a trombone on it is really funky colors.  I asked the woman how she made them and she said she glued and coated 'cool napkins' on them... New hobby time for Erica!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tri M Induction and S+E Awards.

Very excited to get inducted into my schools honorary music society and to get a couple of medals for 'Superior Ratings' at the Solo and Ensemble Contest.  Should be a fun night, and congrats to everyone getting recognized.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wow. That's disappointing...

Fun. the musical artist(s) is(are) mostly known for their new hit "We Are Young" feat. Janelle Monae, I liked it so I bought their album (SomeNights). Mostly, it is awesome! but track 5 "It Gets Better" is just so autotuned I had to give the album a B instead of a B+.... Sorry Fun. next time NO AUTOTUNE.

PS I definitely recommend buying this album... the 2nd track "Some Nights" is just awesome, as is track 4 "Carry On"
PPS Goodnight

Here's the dealio...

I'm going to start a new thing on the blog... I know that not many (and by that I mean no one) read this blog, but I'd like to start a 'What's Awesomer?'  (yes I know that isn't a word :)  So, probably twice a week or so I'll compare two similar things and decide which is Awesomer!  If you have ideas please leave a comment on this post, or send me a reply on Twitter! @EricatheWhovian

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Avengers Review

Starring Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downing Jr., Chris Evans, Jeremy Ronin, Scarlette Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and featuring Samuel L. Jackson

Definitely worth seeing.  I, unfortunately, was late to the 3D version, though the 2D version was still great.

Downing's Iron Man (Tony Stark) was, of course, amazing and witty.  He is going to be remembered for this (and other Iron Man) Marvel Movie(s).  He definitely took a beating, but always stood up with a smart-ass comment up his sleeve.  (His Black Sabbath T-Shirt sleeve, that is... Nice going costume dept.)

 Ruffalo's Dr. Bruce Banner was just adorable... an unexpected yet great choice on the casting departments part. I am a fan of Mark Ruffalo's and thought he was wonderful... though it wasn't surprising the way he played the Hulk... it was very 'classicly Ruffalo'.  I will say that the chemistry between Ruffalo and Downing was a nugget of awesome that improved some scenes.

Evans is amazing as Capt. America aka Captain Steve Rogers (though I may be biased since he is in my top three Marvel heroes). Though (as Stark comments) everything special came out of a tube, implying the whole lab super soldier thing, he has a heart that is, in itself, super.  The cap's mortality was tested, but death is of course no match for the epic shield he holds.

Ronin was wonderful... I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I found.  Having never seen Ronin's work before, his portrayal of Hawk Eye was satisfying... He has a new fan!

Johannson was good, one of her best parts actually.  I'm not a huge fan of her's, but it was definitely a great portrayal of the Black Widow.  She was emotional when needed, but of course stone-cold at other points.  She is a dynamic actress within this part for sure.

Hemsworth's acting left something to be desired.  His Thor was god-like for sure, but he needed to be more sentimental... especially when the line had the word in it.  He didn't bring the movie as a whole down, but some scenes where slightly awkward because his humorous lines just didn't click with me.

The Villain was the icing on the cake!  Tom Hiddleston was just fabulous as Loki (brother of Thor).  The scene between The Incredible Hulk and Loki was hilarious, however short it may have been.  Hiddleston was a main factor in contributing to the sheer awesome of the film.

(and Samuel L. Jackson used his bad-assery skills so many times as Nick Fury.)

SEE THIS FILM! I'll give it and B+ in comparison to recent movies, but an A+ when it comes to Super Hero Flicks.



Hey if you read this blog and go to Buffalo High School (Minnesota) please check out a new group BHS SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)  We have 15 members (roughly) and are run by Officer Erickson.  Please check out our Twitter page ( @savebhs ) , our Facebook page ( )
and finally, our website .  Thanks!

PS Now back to your regularly scheduled postings.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Awesome IceCream!

Kaleidoscoops in Champlin, Minnesota is awesome... Check it out!

PS I know... lame post
PPS Sweet Dreams

So... It's the weekend.

Well, since it is the weekend I shall perform celebratory activities.
ex1) Seeing 'Grease' at Anoka Middle School (this will also allow me to retrieve my Winnie the Pooh water bottle)
ex2) Getting a haircut
ex3) Possibly 'hanging out' with friends

This should be fun!
PS Don't forget to be awesome!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hello, My Whovian Friends!

Hello, my name is, obviously, Erica.  I'm a high school student and I enjoy Doctor Who, Harry Potter, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, LotR and being involved in Theatre (whether on of off stage).  This will be a daily post or two type thing with info on nerdy things and other such interesting stuffs.

Have a great day!
PS Be nice to one another!